Monday, July 27, 2009

Idaho Trip: The Hike

Going to Idaho by myself is one of the highlights of my year. It's a time for me to rest, recoup, visit family, and party with my sisters. On this trip we decided we would try to hike Table Rock, (one of my favorite hikes ever). As you can see from the pictures there was a lot of snow and so the trail was hard to follow. On this hike we had to cross raging creeks, get carried across raging creeks, get dropped in raging creeks, and make bridges across those raging creeks. We hiked and fell and tripped, but didn't die. :) Thank you Keith, James, John, and Megan for this WONDERFUL adventure!

This first picture shows you where we were trying to go. Unfortunately this picture was taken from the point where we had to stop because we couldn't find the trail.

Megan, John Boy and Me

Me, James and Keith

Here we have Keith putting his pants back on and the rest of us getting ready to put our shoes on. Keith and John tried to carry Megan and I across on their backs. John succeeded because he left his shoes on. Keith did not because he took his shoes off. That was painfully cold water!

We didn't want to walk through another raging creek so the three men pushed this poor tree in a direction it didn't want to go to try to make a bridge. Megan and I are thankful to be alive. :)

Using their muscles to finish our little bridge.

Keith and John trying it out for us.

Lunch time with my little bro.

One of the many beautiful scenes we saw. We were actually supposed to go up that mountain and along the ridge, but as you can see....too much snow.

Attempting to climb

Climbing in the snow is no easy task!

James and Megan

The little love birds

Since this was as high as we could get, we called this rock our Table Rock. We made it!

Me and Meggy Moo

On the way down, we fell over and over and over again.
Enjoy our videos!


LeAnna said...

It looks dangerous.

Christina said...

I hope it dosen't end with Idaho Trip: The Hike! What about Idaho Trip: The Parties, or Idaho Trip: The Barbque, or what about Idaho Trip: The Cheating game of Phase Ten, you ahve to have more pictures on that camera of yours!

RainyPM said...

I am so in love with these photos. What a scary raging creek, wow! I'm glad you guys were okay. It sure looks beautiful up there. :) -Ellisa