Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I sense a disturbance in the force!

Kesa decided it would be fun to make Kaleb into a train. As you can see from his face it is a bright blue just like Thomas The Tank Engine. The most disturbing part was the nail polish on his fingers. Yikes!

ETA: Actually the most painful part was attempting to remove the caked on gunk from places on his face that little boys don't like scrubbed with soap and washcloths...yes washclothS. It took 2 of them to get all of it off. I told Kesa to please NEVER do that again.

At least we have memories.

Kaleb doesn't watch t.v. like a normal kid. He has a unique style all his own.

1 comment:

TR said...

yikes! what was that on his face? not nail polish I hope!